
Sunday Cookies

You have probably had these cookies before by their classic name, No Bake Drop Cookies.  Sunday cookies were adopted by our family from my childhood friend.  The name came about when she would make them traditionally on Sundays with her dad, hence Sunday Cookies.  Since then the name has stuck with me.  While this isn't a traditional harvest time baked treat the story is gleaming with tradition and I feel it a nice fit.  You can checkout another NEW traditionally harvest recipe from me on Mom Endeavors

2 cups sugar
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup butter
4 tbsp. cocoa
pinch of salt
1/2 tsp. vanilla
1/2 cup peanut butter
3-4 cups quick oats

-Mix the first 4 ingredients in a medium saucepan.
-Continuously stir, bringing it to a rolling boiling for 1 minute.
-Remove from heat and add salt, vanilla, and peanut butter.
-Lastly, start adding the quick oats. Most recipes call for 3 cups.  I tend to eyeball and continue to add until my mixture is thick enough for a spoon to stand up in it.

-Drop the cookies on a cooling rack lined with wax paper. 
-Wait for them to dry and ENJOY!

- Grab yourself one of these handy measuring cups. It makes measuring peanut butter, molasses, and butter a cinch.  Nothing is wasted and no more scrapping with a spatula.
- Bring your mixture slowly to a boil.  If you heat it too quickly you risk the sugar not fully dissolving.  You will be left with a cookie that is grainy and tastes like burnt sugar.
-Have all your ingredients measured beforehand.  Helps the risk of your mixture setting up before you get all the ingredients added.
-For faster drying, flip your cookies once they've set on top.

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