If you're anything like me, whenever you need to make a purchase you go straight to the internet. Browsing Amazon for customer reviews, Pricegrabber for the lowest prices, and Consumer Reports for the most up to date information on safety and technology. Become.com has combined the best of all these worlds into one easy to use website.
You can shop by categories, and then narrow your search by price, product, color, even by store. I did find the landing pages for each category a bit cluttered and hard to navigate. This wasn't too big of a deal as I find myself using the search bar most often on sites like this.
Say you want to find a granite computer desk or discount menu covers; I know specific, right?, just pop it in the search bar. You'll be met with a variety of results that include a price range and a list of stores you can find it at. You can then narrow your search criteria by color, price, etc. I found that you can get as specific as you need and the search engine will do the work. For example I searched lateral file cabinet dimensions and up popped a variety of products that met that need. With a few clicks I had my options narrowed down to specific trusted stores I shop at.
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