About 6 months ago I stumbled upon this fantastic tutorial for making crib sheets. Dana Made It does a fantastic job at describing how to create cost effective sheets for your babe or toddler. I want to share my finished product, proud moment, and a couple of tips or lessons I learned along the way.
The first sheet I made was for my Toy Story loving toddler. He transitioned to a toddler bed for just a little while before getting his big boy bed when we moved. I had grand plans to make him more, along with matching fleece blankets. The second set are my two creations for our new bundle of joy arriving in just a few weeks. I'm still looking for a fun grey, yellow, and white patterned fabric. I'd love a chevron or geometric, but it seems this color scheme is geared towards little ladies.
Here we have a few time saving tips and warnings. The toy story sheet the first time around took twice as long as it took to make the 2 sheets for Emerson's crib.
Here's the right way to save time and cut your edges for the mitered corner. Make sure you don't cut on any of the folds. You should be cutting on the corner that has all the loose corners.
Here's what happens when you aren't paying attention and cut on a folded corner. You're left with a giant rectangle in the middle of your sheet, and are left pondering how to repurpose the material.
If you aren't lucky enough to have a serger you are left with the hard decision of finished or unfinished edge. My first time around I did it the long way. Ironed out my fabric, ironed down the edge and then proceeded to roll over my seem to enclose the elastic. It turned out like a sheet off the shelves of Babies 'r' Us, but when it came down to it was a lot of work. If I was going to resale these cute guys I would go the extra mile.
The next time around I skipped the ironed edge and left it unfinished. I rolled over my seem and enclosed the elastic. Quick and I was just as happy with the outcome. No one will see the unfinished edge and it's all about preference.
This is a task I think anyone can master with basic sewing skills. I did my research and realized the sheets I wanted were going to cost almost $20 a piece. I picked up 2 yards of yellow and gray for just a little over $5 a piece at Walmart.
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