
Healthy Meals with Kidfresh

I have one picky eater on my hands.  We still encourage him to make healthy choices and I'm happy to report two of his favorite items are peas and any fruit.  With that said I was really concerned about Thanksgiving this year.  We weren't going to be at home and I already knew the dishes we were bringing he wouldn't eat, except for the pumpkin pie of course.  I needed a healthy kid's meal that wouldn't require any extra prep on turkey day. 

I was happy to find Kidfresh at my local Safeway.  In fact I did a little recon before I left to see what options they had so I could plan my shopping trip and meals for the week.  I found out there was a $1 off coupon on the Kidfresh Facebook page too!  Frozen kid's meals isn't something I normally buy for my son because of the lack of nutrition, but I needed something convenient for the day.  I was relieved that there was a healthy alternative.  Kidfresh packs their meals with hidden vegetable purees and doesn't use any artificial flavors or colors.   

I ended up buying 3 different varieties for the busy week.  I knew the rest of the family was going to be enjoying leftovers the day after and needed another option for him.  On the big day I brought his favorite, mac + cheese.  This was different then any frozen kid's meals I've seen before.  It had the creamy cheese sauce, but also included strands of real cheese.  It made for a thick and creamy texture.  

Aiden approved and since the serving was so big for my little big guy he was willing to share with his cousin (who also was not hot on the Thanksgiving options).

    Dis­clo­sure: I am a mem­ber of the Col­lec­tive Bias® Social Fab­ric® Com­mu­nity.  This shop has been com­pen­sated as part of a social shop­per insights study for Col­lec­tive Bias® and Kid­fresh #CBias #Social­Fab­ric #KFHealthyKids. All opin­ions and expe­ri­ences are entirely my own.

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