
Roundup of Handmade Christmas Ornaments from Recycled Materials

Some of my favorite ornaments hanging on the tree are handmade.  As I searched this year for inspiration I was drawn towards a common theme, ornaments handmade from recycled or repurposed materials.

These bottle cap snowman are so cute and simple.  My husband has been saving caps for awhile now with the thought that some day they could be useful.  How perfect would a set of these be hanging on the tree.  A snowman family if you will.

Source: oneartsymama.com 

These ornaments are made from the pounds of junk mail that make their way into your home every year.  I think this would be a great way to use some of your old Christmas cards too.

While you could use a new paint brush for this project, it's also a great way to use dry and brittle brushes headed to the trash.

This Poinsettia is made from a toilet paper or paper towel roll.  How many moms with preschoolers find themselves saving these for a rainy day?

I have seen so many variations on the burnt out light bulb ornament.  I love this snowman because anyone can do it.

Growing up the plain colored glass ball was a common ornament on trees.  Over the years they have met their demise, but what a cute way to make use of those few left over plain balls.

I have many friends this would make a cute gift for.  Note to self: email friends and have them save corks.
Am I missing anything?  What materials would make great recycled ornaments?  I know there's something with pop tops, but I haven't quite "pin"ed it down yet.  :-)

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